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An Outstanding
Photo Restoration, Colourisation, and Creative Image Service
Wedding Photos Improved, removing people & objects
Some wedding photos are taken on the spur of the moment, and really are wonderful reminders of the happy day. Unfortunately there always seems to be something that spoils the overall image. Since you can't go back and take the picture again, you can turn to for a solution. The images below show the original photograph together with a copy that includes the clients instructions for altering the image, and finally the photograph completely transformed by
The original scan with the clients instructions
If you can't use a drawing package to produce the sort of layout shown in the example above, you can provide instructions on what you want done to improve the picture by printing it out on an A4 sheet, writing on the instructions in pen, and then scanning the sheet, or you can ask me to advise you on the best way of improving the composition.
The finished edited and improved photo, as it would look framed
The image to the left shows the original scan together with the edited and improved version. Some clients prefer this arrangement sent as a proof before the final image is approved, as it makes it easier to judge the success of the work that has been carried out.
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